बुधवार, 24 जून 2015

यज्ञात् भवति पर्जन्यः

यज्ञात् भवति पर्जन्यः पर्जन्यात् अन्नसम्भवः।   
अन्नात् भवन्ति भूतानि (भूतानाम् जायते प्रजाः)/(यज्ञः कर्मसमुद्भवः ॥ (गीता)

What Krishna conveyed (to us) is perhaps as follows:

Yagna (यज्ञ) : as elaborated in Gita,  yajna is any action (physical or mental) that has four components: a purpose (devata), a medium (agni, havyavah), the stuff to be sacrificed (havya) and the person (hota) who sacrifices the stuff into the medium for attaining the purpose. 

Parjanya (पर्जन्य): Environment  - Everything that surrounds.

Anna (अन्न): That (or those) which supports (not only life but the being). A being consumes and grows on the support. 

Bhuta (भूत): being (living beings in particular).

Prajah (प्रजाः): The collective of beings and their derivatives.      
The meaning follows
Any action (physical or mental) with a clear purpose pursued through a proper medium and suitable (enough) resources creates a surrounding environment that supports life (also people) as well as the state of being and the process of becoming.

I wonder what is there to disagree! 

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